Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Heart of The Matter - Organic Skin Care is Better

Did you know that there is a profound difference between organic, food grade ingredients and cosmetic grade cosmeceuticals?

Organically grown plants and oils, cold processed for food consumption are holistic by nature and their minimal processing allows substance integrity (literally the heart of the matter) to remain intact and vital. These substances nourish and better absorb into the skin because their molecular structure has not been disturbed and hardened through high temperature refining, bleaching, decolorization, standardization, etc. as are many cosmetic grade ingredients. Commercial over-processing of ingredients results in a less expensive, devitalized substance, and though not optimal for the skin, renders a longer shelf life, an essential feature when mass market saturation is the driving force.

Starflower Essentials assures skin vitality and organic beauty. At the heart of Starflower's preparations are rare extracts of organically grow/wild-crafted medicinal plants, food grade plant oils and waxes, flower waters, aloe vera, rare essential oils and a myriad of other special ingredients, chosen for their harmonizing effect on the skin. Each of our ingredients separately, could be considered a "wonder" ingredient, and marketed as the core of a product line. Our formulas are produced in small, frequent bathces to deliver potency and freshness to you, the conscious consumer, whose skin knows and shows the difference! And remember, the most vital skin care in the world is organic and food grade!

*The average shelf life of our products is 1-1/2 years from date of manufacture and a healthy 8 month vitality quotient once the product is opened.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Starflower Healing Salves and Body Powder

Our premium healing salves and body powders are hand made from medicinal grade, organic or wild-crafted essential oils and herbs. Masterfully synergized formulas are designed for fast, healing effectiveness.

Starflower Healing Hot Ice and Herba Salves
Starflower's Body Salves are organic, medicinal grade, handmade, and effective. Whether it be a rash, irritation, scar, or sprain, our Body Salves will help to soothe, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. They are also useful for those suffering from arthritis or stiff joints.

Our premium quality Body Salves are handmade from medicinal-grade organic essential oils and organic or wild-crafted herbs. These masterfully synergized formulas are designed for fast relief from a variety of ailments ranging from chapped lips to sprained ankles. Ingredients such as arnica and St. John's wort make Starflower's Body Salves naturally effective. They are available in two varieties, Herba Salve and Hot Ice

Herba Salve
Starflower's Herba Salve is an all around healing salve for all manners of skin conditions such as red, irritated and inflammed skin. Herba Salve is also effective in the treatment of rashes, minor burns, scars, eczema, insect bites and chapped lips. Our healing slave is also excellent as a shaving aid. Apply to legs after shaving or waxing to quickly soothe and relieve any redness or irritation.

Hot Ice

Hot Ice is an analgesic healing salve to help you transcend the pain of injury. It also gives effective relief from arthritic joint pain and stiffness. Hot Ice contains herbal extracts and essential oils of comfrey, ginger, arnica, horsetail, goldenseal, cajeput, benzoin, peppermint, clove an black pepper.

Herbal Body Powder

Starflower's Herbal Body Powder is an organic skin care must. Highly absorbent herbal powders such as yarrow, marshmallow, rosemary and lavender smell wonderful and feel silky smooth on the skin. This all herbal body powder will absorb excess moisture, relieve itchy skin, deodorize, keep feet dry and help with oily scalp and hair.

For more information on Starflower Healing Salves and Body Powders, please visit our website. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter or through Email.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Keeping Your Skin Youthful

Not too long ago I was reading a testimonial that we have in our Starflower brochure that we send out to our retail and spa clients. As the Social Media director for Starflower Essentials, I read several reviews and testimonials of our products every day, but this one got me to thinking and it got me thinking hard. If you have a brochure it is on the bottom of page seven and if you don't, I will post it now.

I'm into all organic, but I've never tried anything so vital. I'm 64 years old and your products have made such a difference. I think every young woman using your products could really keep their skin youthful and beautiful on through mature age. - Rosy L., Phoenix, AZ

I'm 27 years old, about to turn 28 and after reading this testimonial, it got me to thinking about how I've treated my skin since my teenage years. Although the days of using Noxema and Oxy-something or another are quite a ways behind me (along with the teenage angst and glitter nails), I realized that even as I have aged, my skin still wasn't being treated with the care it deserved.

For the past 5 or so years I had fallen into a routine of a simple drug store cleanser that I could pick up on the fly, a department store toner which made me cringe every time I smelled it and a bottle of moisturizer that has been labeled liquid gold. I would occasionally exfoliate and get a facial here and there or when my husband surprised me with a gift certificate. I wasn't overly concerned with my skin, therefore I wasn't treating the issues that were popping up with my skin: aging, pregnancy, rosacea, dryness, etc. I also wasn't paying much attention to the chemicals that were going onto my skin either.

A few years ago, I met Cherylyn Van Kirk, the owner of Starflower Essentials through my husband. She was so passionate about skin care and I got to see all of the effort and thought that she puts into her products. Yes, I have seen the exclusive expert formulation that goes into Starflower products and let me tell you... WOW!! But, even after meeting the Beauty Guru herself, it still wasn't enough to wake me up to pay attention to my skin.

Last year I was having a lot of health issues and skin reactions. Unable to handle the rashes and stomach issues any longer, my husband convinced me to go to the doctor. After a nice round of tests which involved lots of needles, we had our answer. I was allergic to gluten!

Out went everything gluten in our house and that included makeup, skin care products and bath products. There are some people that will say that the gluten in beauty products isn't enough to worry about, but for me it was better to just toss it out and start fresh.

I was lucky, shortly after our findings, that we were headed to Florida. I stopped in to see Cherylyn at her new Spathecary and had a nice long chat about my skin care routine. She gave me tons of literature, not only on her products but on the dangers of the chemicals in beauty products and their effects on the skin. It only took me a day or so to get back to her and when I did, I walked out of the Spathecary with a lovely bag of Starflower gluten-free products and a job. :)

The first time I used my 5 Steps to Organic Skincare Kit, I was hooked. My skin felt amazing, not only texture wise but supple wise. Fast forward to now (6 months) later and my skin looks ten years younger (no joke) and is brighter and shining! People that I haven't seen in a year or so actually ask me if I've had cosmetic surgery! Thanks to Rosacea Clear I am now able to skip foundations and powders to cover up redness! With my Bright Eyes Regenerative Eye Gel I was able to throw out my concealer. Most importantly though is that I know what's going onto my skin. I feel safe knowing that there are no chemicals in my beauty products. I guess the way I should put it is that I feel safe knowing that my 4 year old daughter could eat it without any type of side effect whatsoever (maybe a bad taste in her mouth).

I now wonder how my skin would be today if I had known about Starflower Essentials when I was younger.  Could I have skipped all of the weird rashes on my skin? Would the crows feet around my eyes now be less noticeable if I had taken the time to educate myself on skincare? The possibilities are endless!

I urge you to educate others, especially younger women about the chemical dangers in beauty products. I urge you to share your knowledge of Organic Skin Care with those around you. If you would like information to share with others or to re-educate yourself, visit our website, Facebook, Twitter or even email us  with any questions or concerns.

Nourish your skin, protect it! It's the only set of skin that you will have.

*Starflower Exfoliants and Bath Emulsions do contain a small amount of organic wheat. Cherylyn assures that it will not effect those with Gluten Sensitivities and I can agree!.

Friday, December 16, 2011

All Natural Fragrances For Your Home

At Starflower, we love the smell of the holiday season and how it can transport us! There are so many scents out there for sale that try and replicate the warmth of the season, but they don't last and most of them contain dangerous hormone-altering chemicals. At Starflower, we are always aware of what goes into the products we buy and how they can impact our health. To avoid nasty chemicals we like to create our own holiday scents using a simmer pot. 

You don't need to go out and buy a simmer pot, although there are some simply gorgeous ones out there, like this lovely one from Claire Burke. If you don't want to spend anything, you can use an older pot on the stove that you don't mind getting messy, an old crockpot, or a ceramic bowl on your radiator (not recommended if you have children in the home). 

There is a lot that you can put into your simmer pot to get that lovely holiday smell to permeate through your house. Most of the ingredients, you will find, you already have in your home. We like to use pine needles from the tree, evergreen sprigs, essential oils, cinnamon sticks, apple rinds, orange rinds and cloves to achieve that warming holiday scent. 

To get your pot together, fill your container of choice about halfway with water. Next add your ingredients and set the temperature on a low setting. Don't let your pot get too hot or it will burn and make not only for nasty clean up, but a bad, lingering smell as well. When your water and ingredients warm up, the scent should start filling your home with warming scent that is sure to make you sigh with content. Be sure to check your simmer pot throughout the day to make sure that your water hasn't evaporated away. 

Simmer pots also make for a wonderful humidifier. The steam that rises from your pot will help rid your home of horrible dryness that comes from the heating of your home through radiators and heaters. 

For more recipes on simmer pots, you can find them here and here. For quality 100% organic essential oils, visit our website

Do any of you use simmer pots? Do you have any recipes you would like to share?

Happy Holidays from Starflower Essentials

Star Flower Christmas Card

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils

"The way to health is to have an aromatic bath and scented massage everyday" thus spoke Hippocrates, the father of medicine, as far back as the fourth century B.C.. He reported then that the medicinal and healing qualities of essential oils protect the body from contagious disease and other spirits.

Today we know that essential oils consist of chemical compounds that have hydrogen, carbon and oxygen as their building blocks. these can be subdivided into two groups: the hydrocarbons, which consist almost exclusively of terpenes, (monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and diterpenes); and the oxygenated compounds, mainly esters, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, phenols and oxides; acids, lactones, sulfur and nitrogen compounds are sometimes also present. It is worth mentioning here that whole natural essences are found to be more active than their principle constituents. Moreover, those constituents which form a smaller percentage of the whole essential oil are found to be more active than the principle constituent (an excellent example of synergy).

Natural Affinity
The blood and essential oils have a natural affinity for each other and are therefore very compatible. One could imagine that the spirit in the blood and the spirit in the plant enter into a polite and loving conversation, whereby the oil asks where it can best serve the body. The red carpet rolls out and off it goes to areas where it is most needed. There are seven areas of influence that essential oils have on the body. They are: skin, circulatory, respitory, digestive, genito-urinary, immune, nervous.

Immune System
Because essential oils are so small molecularly, they have the ability to enter the blood stream via the skin and lungs, carrying valuable nutrients to every cell in the body, increasing cellular vitality and delivering valuable support to the immune system. In essential oils we find trace elements of nutrients, hormones, enzymes, minerals, antibodies, and anti fungal, antibacterial, anti-infectious, antiseptic and immune-stimulating properties.

Three Modes of Action
It is also important to recognize that essential oils have three distinct modes of action within the human body:
Pharmacological-  concerned with the chemical changes that take place when an essential oil enters the blood stream and reacts with the body's hormones and enzymes, etc.
Physiological- concerned with the way an essential oils effects the various systems of the body, namely the seven systems listed above, and the physical changes that are brought about.
Psychological- effect takes place on the emotional level of the body, which has to do with moods and states of mind.

Have you ever experienced an aversion to a particular essential oil but with another oil you cannot get enough of the scent? Never under estimate the power of the nose. By your sense of smell, your nerve-sense faculty lets you know which oils will be most therapeutic and beneficial to the body - physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Furthermore, a scent can transport you, by associative memory, to a past experience when the same scent was present. Whether the experience was pleasant or not will influence how you feel when you smell the scent again. To change an undesirable response you can repeatedly smell the scent under different circumstances to have your desired emotional response. It wasn't until 1989 when it was discovered that a part of the brain, the amygdala, plays a major role in storing and releasing emotional trauma and only odor stimulation has a profound effect in triggering a response with this gland.

To have an inkling of just how complex our sense of smell really is, the nose and brain have the capacity to detect a hundred thousandth of a millionth of a gram of aroma substance. In each nostril there are 400 million nerve endings concentrated in an area the size of a tiny button each side behind the bridge of the nose, under the brain. The micro-fine, vaporized oil particles are received by the olfactory hair like nerves and transported to the olfactory bulb. The impulses are then carried to the limbic system and olfactory sensory center at the base of the brain and then the amygdala, which is the memory center for fear and trauma. The impulses the travel to the gustatory center where the sensation of taste is perceived.

Indeed when you say, "This tastes good," it would be more accurate to say, "This smells good," because your taste buds can only distinguish between salty, sweet, bitter and sour, while your sense of smell is at least ten thousand times more sensitive. It's your nose which distinguishes between mango's and limes- not your good taste!

Essential oils are extracted from plant material by two main methods: expression by pressure as in citrus rind oils such as lemon and bergamot (it is advisable to choose only organically grown citrus oils to avoid pesticides in the peel). The second method is by steam distillation, which isolates by heat only the volatile and water insoluble parts of a plant. The remaining flower contains often valuable water-soluble constituents such as tannis, mucilage and bitters and is sold commercially to the food and skin care industry.

For all its ancient origins and modern research, essential oil therapy, popularly called aromatherapy, is still in its infancy. Fortunately, more and more people are taking their health into their own hands and turning to a much more holistic approach, using essential oils for healing and self health care. The many uses of essential oils include air diffusion, bath therapy, body massage, face care and in certain cases, internal use.

Cherylynn Van Kirk
CEO Starflower Essentials

For more information on Essential oils and our ingredients list, please visit us at

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pamper, soothe and beautify your eyes!

They say that eyes are the windows to the soul. Is that true? Absolutely!! We communicate so much with our eyes. They show our joy, our sadness and with just a slight movement they can show almost every other human emotion. So why do we sometimes neglect our most beautiful feature?

We read a really indepth article not too long ago about the importance of the skin around our eyes and how important it is to care for it. At Starflower, we of course, already know this, but it's good to remind ourselves and our customers about what is really happening to their skin. With so many "miracle" eye care products we felt that it was time to do a new post about our organic eye care products.

The organic plant oils and extracts in Starflower’s Bright Eyes regenerative eye products literally give your eyes a lift. Our Bright Eyes line really is the best eye products on the market to help reduce puffiness, anti-aging and dark circles.

We currently have three organic eye care products under our Bright Eyes line: Bright Eyes Petalets, Bright Eyes Regenerative Eye Gel and Bright Eyes Regenerative Eye Oil.

Organic Bright Eyes Petalets
Starflower's Organic Bright Eyes Petalets refresh the eyes with an herb soaked natural cotton pad over the eyes for night and morning use.

Herbal extracts of chamomile, eyebright and fennel bring soothing relief to puffy, swollen, red and itchy eyes due to fatigue, allergies, air pollution, computer radiation and other environmental irritants.

Special Uses: The petalets open the delicate skin around the eyes allowing the soothing and moisturizing qualities of the essential fatty acids to penetrate. 

Organic Bright Eyes Regenerative Eye Gel

Starflower Regenerative Eye Gel is a healing, refreshing gel for night time repair and day time protection that assures a firm and supple appearance around the eyes.

Bright Eyes Gel contains organic herbal extracts of eye bright and chamomile, organic aloe vera, royal jelly, organic borage, comfrey, black currant seed oil, regenerative essential oils such as chamomile, neroli, palma rosa, carrot and fennel.

This delicate formula absorbs so readily into the small skin around the eyes and because of it's toning and firming ingredients, will help relieve fluid retention under the eyes (puffiness). If you wear foundation or mineral powders around the eyes, Bright Eyes Gel blends well and is as a great base for a smooth flawless appearance.

Organic Bright Eyes Regenerative Eye Oil
 Bright Eyes Oil blends highly nutritive and absorbent essential fatty acid oils such as borage and black currant seed, calendula and comfrey, with anti-inflammatory essential oils to calm redness, smooth fine wrinkle lines, and give elasticity to the tender, fragile skin around your eyes.

If you wear a foundation or mineral powder make-up around your eyes, Bright Eyes Oil will definitely blend your make-up better so that you see less of your pores and more of your beautiful eyes.

For more information visit our website or contact us through Facebook. To read the article about the skin around your eyes you can find it here.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

5 Steps To Winter Skin Care from Starflower Essentials Organic Skin Care

A couple of weeks ago, we discussed the effects of winter weather on the skin. With temperatures now plummeting further and many areas already starting to get snow, we recommend starting your winter skin care regime to prevent dehydration.

At Starflower Essentials Organic Skin Care, we believe in 5 steps to organic beauty. We will go over the products that can be used along with how they are beneficial to your skin in the winter.

5 Steps to Winter Skincare

ChamMillet Exfoliant Cleanser

1. Exfoliate- Our three organic exfoliating cleansers offer a healthy, holistic alternative to hydroxy acids and are much more effective for long-term use. When activated with water, they offer a fresh delivery of almond milk and rare essential oils in a base of almond meal, millet flour and herbal powders. The result is deeply cleansed, nourished, smooth, glowing skin and refined pores! Exfoliants are a must for beautiful and healthy skin and ours can be left on to dry as a mask. They are designed for everyday use.  We offer three exfoliating cleansers: Rose Almond for normal, dry and mature skin. Chamomile for normal, dry, dehydrated, sensitive and inflamed skin. ChamoMillet for normal, oily, large pores and problematic skin.

Herbal Essential Steam  

2. Steam- Starflower Essentials Herbal Essential Steam is a synergized blend of 17 organic herbs and flowers to deeply cleanse, nourish, tone and activate the skin's natural functions. Herbal Essential Steam purifies and opens pores in preparation for Starflower's facial masks.

Royal Rose Enzyme Mask

3. Mask- We have several organic face mask's available but for the winter season we recommend using our Royal Rose Enzyme Mask and our Flower & Sea Rejuvenating Face Mask. Our Royal Rose Enzyme Mask is a very special tonic for the body- inside and out. Whether you want a rose honey mask for collagen renewal or a taste bud extravaganza at tea time, you'll love the Royal Rose Mask. It's delicious and nutritious with premium ingredients such as raw, organic honey infused with the world's finest European, medicinal grade Bulgarian rose and fresh royal jelly. It is a hydrating mask for normal, dry, dehydrated, mature and sensitive skin. The Flower & Sea Rejuvenating Face Mask revitalizes with pure arctic seaweed and a special organic herbal synergy. Especially beneficial to lack-luster skin, large pores and acne while infusing the skin with moisture and vital anti-oxidants. It is a moisturizing mask for all skin conditions.

Starflower Essentials Organic SkinCare Nutrient Toner Mists
4. Tone- Starflower offers three choices for toning from our Nutrient Toner Mist collection and one should be chosen based on your skin type. Our Nutrient Toner Mists cleanse, tone and moisturize- essential to beautiful skin. Starflower toners hydrate and tone the skin, strengthen connective tissue and increase elasticity of the pores. Synergistically blended herbs and essential oils promote deep tissue regeneration. We currently have our Rose Gold Toner with a delightful rose scent for normal, dry, mature and sensitive skin. Our Royal Vera Toner has a light lavender scent and works well for normal, oily, problematic and combination skin types. Our Cool Citrus C-Weed Toner has a citrus neroli scent and is mineral rich for all skin conditions.

Nutrient Intensive Moisturizers
5. Moisturize- We offer a wide array of moisturizers that will work to prevent the damages that winter temperatures have on skin. Starflower Moisturizers are formulated for balancing and moisturizing every skin condition. They have sun-protection (SPF) properties and essential oils to stimulate the skin's natural functions. Herbal antioxidants and Vitamin E slow down oxygenation and free radical-induced deterioration of the skin's natural fatty acids. Our synergistic formulas encourage harmony and cell regeneration deep within the skin's layers. Rich emollient oils and waxes give extra protection to the surface layer of the skin. Colloidal silver and gold are added for anti fungal and antibacterial properties.

Our Nutrient Intensive Moisturizers are light and highly absorbent, our "aroma plant" moisturizers are available in five therapeutic scents for each skin preference. All Nutrient Intensive Moisturizers (NIMS) contain borage, almond, jojoba oils, aloe vera gel, mineral water complex, herbal extracts, rare essential oils and Vitamins C and E. The five that we offer are: Chamomile Rose for dry, sensitive, dehydrated, inflamed or sunburned skin, wrinkles and mature skin. Sandalwood for dry, sensitive, oily, chapped cracked skin, acne, scars, wrinkles and mature skin. Mandarin-Melissa for dry, oily combination, congested and dull skin, scars, slack tissue, spots and wrinkles. Lavender for balanced to oily, combination, congested and dull skin, acne, eczema, sunburned, irritated and inflamed skin. SeaFlower SPF 15 for daytime sun protection for all skin conditions. Lime-Orange for oily, congested and dull skin, acne and spots.

Our Facial Creme's also make for great moisturizers in the winter. Our face creams contains rich emollient oils and waxes that provide extra protection for the surface layer of the skin. Starflower's Facial Cremes contain a variety of herbs that are grown bio dynamically or wild crafted from high altitude fields in the rocky mountains of Colorado. This fact ensures a freshness and potency rarely experienced, even in organic skin care. We do, however, recommend that they are only used during the day and not during your night skin care routine. We have three facial cremes: Rose Gold a very special healing day cream, rich in antioxidant protection and vitalizing herbs from the Colorado Mountains. It is a super smoothing cream, ideal for traumatized skin in special need of repair and a blessing for burned skin with it's anti-scarring properties. It is ideal for normal, dry, sensitive, dehydrated and mature skin. Lavender Gold's highly absorbent emollient oils and regenerative herbs provide effective daily moisture protection while stimulating balance and tone for normal or dry skin which suffers occasional monthly breakouts. It is ideal for normal, dry and combination skin. Day Replenish is a non-clogging facial cream designed to give extra moisturizing barrier protection for extremely dry skin and/or dry weather conditions. Layering over a Nutrient Intensive Moisturizer or Skin Dance Moisturizer is recommended for the dry winter months.

SkinDance Face Moisturizer is a Starflower favorite. SkinDance is an essential and vital skin food within the Starflower Essentials Organic Skincare line. The naturally high content of essential fatty acids balance the skin and protect it from excessive sun as well as cold. It has a high content of GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) and provides SPF 8 protection. Synergistic essential oils stimulate balance within the skin's natural functions, especially the oil producing glands. SkinDance has a positive effect on all types of skin including oily, problem or dry, sensitive. It will tone the skin, reducing the size of the pores while increasing elasticity. Very useful to aging as a cell regenerative. At Starflower, we recommend using SkinDance while layering with a Nutrient Intensive Moisturizer or one of our Facial Cremes for the most protection during the winter months.

If you have any questions about winter skin care, please visit our Website or contact us through our Facebook page. You can also email us at or by speaking to one of our representatives on our toll free number 1.888.262.5424.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Starflower Organic Facial Creams

At Starflower Essentials Organic Skin Care, our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality skin care. We offer an extensive organic beauty product line that is tailored to meet the needs of our clients. We use only the finest certified organic and food grade ingredients so that you can rest assured that our products contain no harmful chemicals or preservatives. We are rigorous in our dedication to organic beauty and are constantly researching to provide our customers with health and beauty education.

One of our favorite products is our wonderful line of organic facial creams.  Starflower's Facial Cremes are formulated for balancing and moisturizing every unique skin type. They have sun-protection properties and organic essential oils to stimulate the skin’s natural functions. Antioxidants and Vitamin E slow free radical-induced deterioration of the skin’s natural fatty acids. Our synergistic formulas encourage harmony and cell regeneration deep within the skin’s layers to aid in anti-aging and elasticity.

Starflower Essentials Organic Facial Cremes

Rich emollient oils and waxes provide extra protection for the surface layer of the skin. Starflower's Facial Cremes contain a variety of herbs that are grown bio dynamically or wild crafted from high altitude fields in the rocky mountains of Colorado. This fact ensures a freshness and potency rarely experienced, even in organic skin care. They are available in two varieties, Rose Gold and Lavender Gold, as well as Day Replenish, a healing and moisturizing barrier balm.

Our Rose Gold line is a favorite with our customers. We currently offer, in addition to our Rose Gold Facial Cream we also carry Rose Gold Body Milk, Rose Gold Lip Cream, and Rose Gold Nutrient Toner. With our focus this week on protecting our skin from winter damage, we are going to concentrate on our Rose Gold Facial Creme.

Rose Gold Facial Creme is a concentrated, therapeutic day creme that provides nourishment and intensive healing benefits for damage skin. The creme contains rare, wild harvested herbs which deliver highly vital nutrients and moisture protection. Vitamin E  is infused into the cream. It's a potent antioxidant that slows the aging process, regenerates and heals. Rose Gold facial cream is made with cold pressed oils and mixed raw without heating above 112 degrees. We also use Bulgarian Rose Absolute which is the highest frequency of any essential oil and the most regenerating. It strengthens connective tissue and harmonizes skin function.

Bulgarian Rose Absolute

Our complete ingredients list for rose gold facial creme includes purified water, organic cold pressed canola and virgin olive oil, organic, bio-dynamically grown and wild harvested herbs of calendula, elder, hollyhock, rose petals, self heal, chickweed, lavender, lanolin, beeswax, colloidal silver & gold, vitamin E, beta carotene, essential oils of rose, geranium and palma rosa.

We recommend use in the morning after cleansing and toning for best results.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Protecting Your Skin from Winter Damage - Starflower Essentials Organic Facial Creams.

With fall and winter setting in our skin is about to take a beating from the elements. As the weather turns colder, we tend to heat our environments through heating systems. Heaters and furnaces take the moisture out of the air and therefore out of your skin.

People with normal skin in the spring and late summer will find that their skin become dehydrated as the season progresses. Others who have oily skin throughout the rest of the year will find that during the colder months, their skin is more manageable as the drier air will help control the moisture and oil on their skin. However, it is important for all skin types to stay hydrated during the fall and winter months. A healthy hydrated body is important for healthy skin, especially during the winter where a cold drink of water is not as appealing as it is in the summer.

At Starflower Essentials Organic Skin Care, we have some amazing skin care products that will keep your skin safe and protected during the fall/winter season.

Starflower's facial creams are formulated for balancing and moisturizing every unique skin type. They have sun-protection properties and organic essential oils to stimulate the skin’s natural functions. Antioxidants and Vitamin E slow free radical-induced deterioration of the skin’s natural fatty acids. Our synergistic formulas encourage harmony and cell regeneration deep within the skin’s layers to aid in anti-aging and elasticity.

Rich emollient oils and waxes provide extra protection for the surface layer of the skin. Starflower's Facial Cremes contain a variety of herbs that are grown biodynamically or wildcrafted from high altitude fields in the rocky mountains of Colorado. This fact ensures a freshness and potency rarely experienced, even in organic skin care. They are available in two varieties, Rose Gold and Lavender Gold, as well as Day Replenish, a healing and moisturizing barrier balm.

Rose Gold Face Creme

Our Rose Gold Face Cream  is a  very special healing day creme, rich in antioxidant protection and vitalizing herbs wild crafted from the Colorado mountains. A super soothing creme, ideal for traumatized skin in special need of repair (post-lazer surgery or chemical peels) and a blessing for dry, winter skin. To reduce extra sheen, Chamomile Face Powder will seal in moisture and provide a smooth matte finish.

Key Ingredients: Organic Cold Pressed Coconut and Virgin Olive Oil; Bio-dynamically Grown and Wild Harvested Herbs of Calendula, Elder, Hollyhock, Rose Petals, Self Heal, Chickweed, Lavender; Organic Vitamin E; Beta Carotene derived from Wild Harvested D. Salina Algae; Organic Essential Oil of Bulgarian Rose.

Lavender Gold Face Creme

Starflower Essentials organic Lavender Gold Face Creme is packed with highly absorbent emollient oils and regenerative herbs provide effective daily moisture protection while stimulating balance and tone.

For normal or dry skin which suffers occasional monthly breakouts.

Key Ingredients: Organic Cold Pressed Coconut and Virgin Olive Oil; Bio-dynamically Grown and Wild Harvested Herbs of Calendula, Elder, Hollyhock, Rose Petals, Self Heal, Chickweed, Lavender; Organic Vitamin E; Beta Carotene derived from Wild Harvested D. Salina Algae; Organic Essential Oil of French Lavender.

Day Replenish Face Moisturizer
Our Day Replenish Face Moisturizer provides excellent barrier protection to face, lips and neck for prevention of fine lines. Excellent for extremely dry skin and/or during dry, cold winter months. Super healing balm from biodynamicall grown and wild crafted herbs. Apply as day moisturizer protection over SkinDance or Nutrient Intensive Moisturizer.

For dry, chapped, fine lines of mature skin. Also very beneficial to inflamed acne, eczema,and psoriasis.

For more information about the effect of the seasons on skin, you can check out this article from Wildcrafted.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Terrible "Touch-Me-Nots"

What you put on your skin can go into your body to affect your health and sense of well being- either negatively or positively. YOU CAN CHOOSE WHICH, if you know the facts (which the 'cosmetic conspiracy' want to hide from you). As your body's biggest organ, your skin is your most important immune defense barrier as well as your largest organ for eliminating wast. Commercial products with harmful petroleum ingredients can plasticize and 'constipate' your skin, making germs more likely to get in and toxins less likely to get out of your body. The result: Neither you nor your skin are as radiant and healthy as you could be!
Every day we use products that we think are safe; but the truth is that products are NOT always safe - and manufacturer's don't have to tell us so. Ever since 1938 - when the FDA granted self-regulation to the cosmetics industry - such products can be marketed without government approval of ingredients, regardless of what tests show. Most of the 2,000 chemicals used have not been tested for long-term toxic effects. In a typical day, you might be exposed to over 200 different chemicals, many of which are suspected of causing cancer or juggling hormones. EPA tests conclude that ingredients in shampoos, dyes, and other personal care products 'may be playing havoc with hormones that control reproduction and development'.

Avoid these harmful, hazardous "touch me not" ingredients!

Alcohol, Isopropyl (SD-40): A very drying and irritating solvent and dehydrator that strips your skin's moisture and natural immune barrier, making you more vulnerable to bacteria, molds and viruses. It is made from propylene, a petroleum derivative and is found in many skin and hair products, fragrance as well as shellac and antifreeze. It can act as a 'carrier' accelerating the penetration of other harmful chemicals into your skin. It may promote brown spots and premature aging of the skin. A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic ingredients says it may cause headaches, flushing, dizziness, mental depression, nausea, vomiting, narcosis, anesthesia, and coma. Fatal ingested dose is one ounce or less.

DEA (diethanolamine), MEA (monoethanolamine), and TEA (triethanolamine): Hormone disrupting chemicals that can form cancer-causing nitrates and nitrosamines. Already restricted in Europe due to known carcinogenic effects, but Americans may be exposed 10-20 times per day! Used to create 'foam' in products like shampoo, shaving creams, and bubble bath, Dr. Samuel Epstein (Professor of Environmental Health at the University of Illinois) says that repeated skin applications of DEA-based detergents resulted in a major increase in the incidence of liver and kidney cancer. The FDA's John Bailey says this is especially important since 'the risk equation changes significantly for children'.

DMDM Hydantoin & Urea (Imidazolidinyl): Just two of many preservatives that often release formaldehyde which may cause joint pain, skin reactions, allergies, depression, headaches, chest pains, ear infections, chronic fatigue, dizziness and loss of sleep. Exposure may also irritate the respiratory system, trigger heart palpitations or asthma, and aggravate cough and colds. Other possible side effects include weakening the immune system and cancer.

FD&C (Color Pigments): Synthetic colors made from coal tar, containing heavy metal salts that deposit toxins onto the skin, causing skin sensitivity and irritation. Absorption of certain colors can cause depletion of oxygen in the body and death. Animal studies have shown almost all of them to carcinogenic.

Fragrances: Mostly synthetic ingredients, often containing animal urine or feces! Fragrance on a label can indicate the presence of up to four thousand separate ingredients, many toxic or carcinogenic. Symptoms reported to the FDA include headaches, dizziness, allergic rashes, skin discoloration, violent coughing, vomiting and skin irritation. Clinical observation proves fragrances can affect the central nervous system, causing depression, hyperactivity, irritability, inability to cope and other behavioral changes.

Mineral Oil: Petroleum by-product that coats the skin like plastic, clogging the pores. Interferes with skin's ability to eliminate toxins, promoting acne and other disorders. Slows down skin function and cell development, resulting in premature aging. Used in many products (baby oil is 100% mineral oil!).

Polyethylene glycol (PEG): Potentially carcinogenic petroleum ingredient that can alter and reduce the skin's natural moisture factor. This could increase the appearance of aging and leave you more vulnerable to bacteria. Used in cleansers to dissolve oil and grease. It adjusts the melting point and thickens products. Also used in caustic spray on oven cleaners.

Propylene Glycol (PG) and Butylene Glycol: Petroleum plastics which act as 'surfactants' (wetting agents and solvents). They easily penetrate the skin and can weaken protein and cellular structure. The active ingredient in antifreeze, PG is strong enough to remove barnacles from boats! The EPA considers PG so toxic that it requires workers to wear protective gloves, clothing and goggles and to dispose of any PG solutions by burying in the ground. Because PG penetrates the skin so quickly, the EPA warns against skin contact to prevent consequences such as brain, liver and kidney abnormalities. But, there isn't even a warning label on products such as stick deodorants, where the concentration is greater than in most industrial applications.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) & Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES): Detergents and surfactants that [pose serious health threats. Used in car washes. garage floor cleaners and engine degreasers - and in 90% of personal care products that foam. Animals exposed to SLS experience eye damage, depression, labored breathing, severe skin irritation and even death. Young eyes may not develop properly if exposed to SLS because proteins are dissolved. SLS may also damage the skin's immune system by causing layers to separate and inflame. When combined with other chemicals, SLS can be transformed into nitrosamines, a potent class of carcinogens. Your body may retain the SLS for up to five days, during which time it may enter and maintain residual levels in the heart, liver, the lungs and the brain.

Triclosan (synthetic antibacterial ingredient) - With a chemical structure similar to Agent Orange! The EPA registers it as a pesticide, giving it high scores as a risk to both human health and the enviornment. It is classified as a chlorophenol, a class of chemicals suspected of causing cancer in humans.It's manufacturing process may produce dioxin, a powerful hormone-disrupting chemical with toxic effects measured in the carts per trillion - that is only ONE drop in 300 Olympic-size swimming pools! Hormone disruptors pose enormous long term chronic health risks by interfering with the way hormones temporarily de-activate sensory nerve endings, so contact with it often causes little or no pain. Internally, it can lead to cold sweats, circulatory collapse and convulsions. Stored in body fat, it can accumulate to toxic levels, damagin the liver, kidneys and lungs and can cause paralysis, suppression of immune function, brain hemorrhages and heart problems. Tufts University School of Medicine says that triclosan is capable of forcing the emergence of 'super bugs' that it cannot kill. Its widespread use in popular antibacterial cleansers, toothpastes and hosehold products may have nightmare implications for your future.

Educate yourself on what you are putting on your skin and letting absorb into your blood stream. At Starflower Essentials, we will always share the ingredients that go into our organic skin care products.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A sneak peak at our new Spathecary!!

Just a little sneak peak at what we are looking forward to with the opening of the Starflower Organic Spathecary in Sarasota, FL.

We will be sure to keep you updated with our opening date and events!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Moringa Oleifera - The Miracle Tree

At Starflower Essentials we are so happy to have a new organic product to add to our organic superfoods line. We are constantly on the lookout for products that will work synergistically with our beauty and bath products.

One of our new products is Moringa.

There is an old saying: "Moringa leaves prevent 300 diseases." Isn't it astonishing the power of a plant? John Hopkins School of Medicine has examined and studies the plant and found it to be the highest test micro-nutrient botanical ever tested. 

Moringa Oleifera is native to semi-arid, tropical and sub-tropical climates. It grows well in dry sandy soil as well as poor soil. Moringa is considered as one of the world's most useful trees as almost every part of the tree can be used for consumption. 

Moringa Leaves

Moringa is a bio-available botanical plant which is totally absorbed and utilized by the human body. This is a first in the nutrition industry. Moringa is pack with vitamins. 

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Chromium
  • Copper
  • Fiber
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Protein
  • Zinc
Studies have shown that Moringa carries healing potential for promoting normal blood glucose levels, liver cleansing and detoxifying. It helps with vitamin, amino and mineral deficiencies, healthy cardiovascular systems for the heart and it's most amazing property is that it is saving dying children worldwide from malnutrition as noted by the Moringa Tree Foundation, a Non-Profit organization.

Moringa will soon be available on our website

You can find out more about Moringa through the Trees For Life website.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Latest Starflower Essentials Promotion

Star Flower Essentials Quarter Pg Ad_opera Fall_2011[1]

Natural Abuse in Skin Care.

Natural Abuse in Skin Care

Marketing executives in the skin care industry have done a thorough job of overusing and abusing the word “natural”, rendering it virtually meaningless or even suspect.

When I pick up a product that has “natural” written on the label, I immediately ask myself, “what is the manufacturer trying to hide”? Sure enough when I read the ingredients in small print I see a product full of chemicals and overly processed substances, which have nothing to do with health or natural.

So, why all the hype and not enough substance? Money, simply put. Most manufacturers and chemical companies have opted to spend millions developing cheap derivatives because it saves them money in the long run. They can then spend more money on slick advertising campaigns designed to convince us we need their product.

It's a sorry business but we no longer have to buy into it. As we become more knowledgeable and conscious consumers we realize the need to approach skin care with the same diligence and care we take in selecting the foods we eat. After all, the skin is our largest organ and the gateway into the body. What we put on our skin does find its way into the blood stream and inner organs.

As a vital skin care consultant and manufacturer of skin care products, I have established a set of criteria for what determines a truly natural product.

This would exclude overly processed derivatives and undesirable or toxic preservatives. A good example of these is propylene glycol, found mostly in mass-marketed synthetic skin care products and perfumes. Usually a petroleum derivative, propylene glycol is a major ingredient in brake and hydraulic fluid. Material safety data sheets on propylene glycol warn to avoid skin contact as it is a systemic and can cause liver abnormalities and kidney damage.

A commonly used preservative in the chemical and “natural” skin care industry is the group of parabens: methyl, propyl, butyl, etc... These esters are benzoic acid derivatives and are mostly found in half natural skin and hair products. These are toxic chemicals with acute oral toxicity.

Even with a concentration of parabens, products have been found to contain microorganisms, although they may appear to be bacteria free. Parabens can cause dermatitis.

Substances that come from nature via plant, animal or mineral sources.

Plants which are grown bio-dynamically, organically, or wild crafted. Plants which are grown with chemical sprays and fertilizers are not desirable for skin care and are not appropriate in a natural product.

The processing of vital ingredients must be as directed and pure as possible: steam distilled, cold or very low heat extractions into natural carriers such as grain alcohol, distilled water or plant oils. The prevalent practice of breaking down substances beyond their original vital state into a lifeless derivative is not a natural process or a desirable one for the skin or body.

Within the nature of correspondences, the human organism finds its link between the outer cosmic forces of the sun, planets and stars and its more immediate earthly environment – the nature forces of plants, animals and minerals. As above, so below; macrocosm, microcosm. These are concepts embraced within a holistic context. The nature and function of the skin takes on new meaning when perceived as an organ of expression, a focal point between our inner and outer worlds.

Choosing vital substances which best support, stimulate and harmonize with the natural functions of the skin is what distinguishes a truly natural, quality product with integrity from the many “naturally” inferior varieties.

In Health & Pleasure,
Cherylyn Van Kirk; Founder & CEO

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Power of Seaflower.

At Starflower Essentials, some of our most popular organic skin care products are our Nutrient Intensive Moisturizers or NIMS as we like to call them. Each one is loaded with moisturizing ingredients like organic aloe vera and vitamin C.
Aloe Vera

One of our best and most recommended products for summer and fall is our SeaFlower SPF 15   Nutrient Intensive Moisturizer.
SeaFlower SPF 15 Nutrient Intensive Moisturizer

SeaFlower SPF15 is a nutrient, sunscreen moisturizer for every day use and normal sun exposure. It works effectively for all skin types as a minimal sunscreen. Not only does SeaFlower SPF 15 protect your skin from the sun but it also nourishes and helps regenerate your skin. You should notice an immediate difference in skin texture and comfort.

The moisturizer is packed with natural titanium dioxide and zinc oxide minerals for sunscreen. Organic echinacea and burdock helps prevent sunburn. Chamomilelavender and geranium organic essential oils soothe, tone and protect the skin as well.


Seaflower SPF15 should be applied after cleansing and toning in the morning before going out as part of your skin care ritual.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Cool Citrus C-Weed Toner

At Starflower Essentials we use only the highest quality ingredients in our organic skin care line. The other day we discussed calendula and it's many properties, it's use in skin care and the origins of this wonderful ingredient. Today, we are going to talk about one of our favorite and most popular skin care products - Cool Citrus C-Weed Toner Mist.

Cool Citrus C-Weed Toner Mist

This isn't just any citrus toner using scents from common oils like orange and lemon. We've brought this toner to a higher octave by including rare, rejuvenating essential oils of Neroli (named after an Italian Princess of Neroli who loved the wonderful scent of orange flowers wafting through her window when in bloom), Mandarin and Petitgrain. Combine this with natural, high potency Vitamin C and North Atlantic Seaweed and it's a winner for oxygenating, remineralizing the skin and refining pores.

Neroli oil is produced from the blossom of the bitter orange tree.

What makes this wonderful organic beauty product so amazing is that it is great for all skin types. Use it at home daily for morning and night skin rituals. Cool Citrus C-Weed Toner is a great travel refresher, immune booster and germ killer.

Cool Citrus Essential Oil Synergy

Has anyone tried our Cool Citrus C-Weed Toner or our Cool Citrus Essential Oil Synergy? Don't forget to check out our Twitter page for more updates and content! Nourish your skin - nourish you soul.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Calendula - Calendula Officinalis

At Starflower Essentials our focus is not only on providing our customers with holistic, food grade organic skin care  products, but also on educating our customers on what goes into our products. Often we hear of a featured single "wonder" ingredient in a skin care product. Each of our ingredients, separetly, could be considered a "wonder" ingredient. At Starflower we blend these vital ingredients together to produce a more potent, long lasting result.

An ingredient we use frequently in our products is Calendula (Calendula officinalis).

Calendula Officinalis

The calendula flower, or pot marigold,  is part of the daisy family and consists of about 12-20 different species. It is most commonly grown from the Mediterranian region to Iran.

Calendula is one of the most valuable herbs for soothing and healing inflammatory conditions of the skin. It stimulates formation of new tissue and gently promotes blood circulation within the cellular structure of the skin.

Dried Calendula

As with all herbs and oils, their uses go back to before the days of modern medicing. Calendula has been used historically as a digestive aid, but has also been known for having anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties.

Calendula, as used in organic skin care is wonderful for irritated and inflammed skin due to being highly concentrated with carotenoids (vitamin A like compounds), mucilage, glycosides and sterols. It is an essential ingredient for burnsscars and eczema.

The petals of the calendula flower work well in food as well due to its renown properties as a digestive aid. The flower can be used in a variety of foods such as salads, dips and rice. Always check your plants first though before ingesting.
Calendula used in foods as a digestive aid.

At Starflower Essentials we would recommend for irritated and inflammed skin a regimen that start's with our Rose Cream Cleanser which is a chemical free creamy emulsion that lifts dirt and inpurties. Next, we would recommend that you use our Rose Gold Nutrient Face Toner. Follow with one of our gentle exfoliants and our Herbal Facial Steam one to two times per week. Lastly we would suggest one of our Nutrient Intensive Moisturizers.

Check back daily for the latest in what Starflower has to offer. Remember - nourish the skin, nourish the spirit.

Starflower Essentials - Organic Skin Care